Minggu, 24 Desember 2023

2400ad Yellow nation lore


Great Caravan/Yellow Nation is located on most part of europe and Turkey, their capital city is a great caravan who always moving, they vibrant people who militaristic, expansionist, brutal, coalition of Middle Eastern and European. Yellow nation or "The Great Caravan" 2nd biggest military, their capital city is a big caravan full by tanks, artillery, trucks, series of tents, pavilions and a circus, ruled by 2 big clan of nomades named orda (strongest artillery in world) and yutah (biggest tank owner in europe) the two clan is united by powerful figure named Bayarl Khan who live in his mobile fortress. 

Selama bertahun tahun berperang, negara kuning menciptakan daerah yang makmur dan lebih stabil daripada tetangganya, akibatnya mereka mendapat sindrom orang kaya baru, penduduknya suka berbelanja dan bersenang senang, Only the military, nobles, and famous could can roam freely, and the common people can rise because of the many likes, many people like to go around and pursue pleasure and curiosity, they are called "ramblers", the yellow country from the outside wants to show the side that their country is enthusiastic and fun but has a social side that is very materialistic and hedonistic,

Lokasi:Terletak di sebagian besar Eropa dan Turki, Ibu kotanya adalah sebuah karavan besar yang selalu bergerak

Pemerintahan:Negara serikat dari klan-klan nomaden, Dipimpin oleh dua klan besar, Orda dan Yutah, yang dipersatukan oleh Bayarl Khan

Sistem politik: Khanate system, where Bayarl Khan holds ultimate authority while powerful clans vie for influence, Militeristik dan ekspansif, Berbasis kekuatan dan loyalitas

Pemimpin: Bayarl Khan, pemimpin karismatik dari klan Orda

Budaya:Perpaduan antara budaya nomaden, militer, dan modern, Menghargai tradisi, seni, dan musik, Paywall

Ekonomi: Berbasis perdagangan, tribute dan militer, Menggunakan emas sebagai mata uang

Militer: Militer kedua terbesar di dunia, Menggunakan teknologi modern, seperti tank, artileri, dan cyber horse

Despite already reach the economic boom. Some general/ warlord of yellow nation still posses a warlike trait. Khan counter this to send those warlike people to keep invading or raiding less powerful faction within his reach

Maintaining a massive mobile city would be a logistical and resource-intensive feat, yellow nation use a remnant of high tech from 23th century called “golden horse” is was a huge train with nuclearlike power who generate his own energy. Golden horse is carrying heavy load such as artillery,a whole royal barrack. Dorm school, hospital, government complex, circus, and even a greenhouse.

Golden horse was back bone of yellow nation, both economically. Culturally and military. And the rail way of golden horse was a main road, so when the capital start moving the rest of caravan was right beside golden horse.

Another reason of why they keep moving is to maintaining the rebellious province and to intimidate political rival. They will only stop in certain check point to gather tribute, spread their culture, administration, and possible to recruit soldier for next campaign



·        Nomad Coalition: It's not a single country but a vibrant alliance of Middle Eastern and European nomadic clans.

·        Militaristic and Expansionist: They have the second-largest military in the world, known for their brutality and ambition.

·        Mobile Capital City: Imagine a colossal caravan, a moving city filled with tanks, artillery, tents, pavilions, and even a circus! This unique mobile base embodies their nomadic lifestyle and military might.

·        Dual Leadership: Two powerful clans, the Orda (artillery masters) and the Yutah (tank overlords), are united under the charismatic Bayarl Khan, who resides in his own mobile fortress.

·        Social Dynamics: While the military, nobles, and famous enjoy freedom and privileges, the common people can rise in status through social media fame. This creates a vibrant but potentially materialistic and hedonistic society where "ramblers" roam, seeking pleasure and curiosity.

Relationships with other nations:

·        Suspicious Harmony: They're part of the Crescent Alliance, a defensive pact and trade union alongside Pink, Purple, and White nations. However, the Red Nation suspects this alliance as a potential theocratic empire in disguise.

·        Border Conflicts: They're actively clashing with the northern nomads, viewing them as a threat to their borders.

·        Skirmishes with Black Nation: Competition for control of Central Asian trade routes creates tension and potential for escalation.

The Great Caravan, also known as the Yellow Nation, boasts a vibrant and dynamic culture shaped by its nomadic past, military prowess, and unique blend of Eastern and Western influences

Cultural Tapestry:

·        Nomadic Traditions: Storytelling around crackling campfires, respect for nature and animal spirits, and a deep understanding of desert survival are woven into their daily lives.

·        Militaristic Edge: Fierce pride in their warrior heritage manifests in martial arts displays, elaborate ceremonies honoring fallen heroes, and a strong emphasis on discipline and loyalty.

·        Fusion of Influences: Blending Middle Eastern mysticism with European folklore creates a rich tapestry of music, art, and literature. Imagine whirling dervishes alongside fire-breathing dragons, or epic sagas sung in a mix of Arabic and Romani tongues.

·        Modern Touches: Despite their nomadic ways, the Yellow Nation embraces advanced technology. Holographic displays flicker on tent walls, digital music pulses through the caravan, and cybernetic horses gallop alongside traditional steeds.

Travel log:

·        Joining the Caravan: Hitch a ride on a lumbering cargo train, haggle with merchants in bustling bazaars set up under the desert sun, or listen to bards spin tales in smoke-filled taverns.

·        Tribal Encounters: Witness the Orda's thunderous artillery displays, marvel at the Yutah's precision tank maneuvers, or participate in nomadic festivals filled with music, dance, and feats of strength.

·        Mobile Wonders: Explore the Khan's opulent fortress, wander through the vibrant circus tent where acrobats defy gravity and strange beasts perform, or visit the bustling workshops where artisans forge weapons and craft intricate jewelry.


Social hierarchy:

1st. Khan and general

2nd. Noble and famous people

3rd, rambler, military, royal engineer

4th, Craftsmen and Merchants:

·        Skilled artisans who forge weapons, craft jewelry, and weave intricate textiles. They form the backbone of the nation's economy, supplying the military, nobles, and ramblers with their desired luxuries.

·        Some merchants might specialize in trade with specific regions or goods, wielding influence through their economic power. Guilds or trade unions could exist to protect their interests and negotiate with the leadership.

5th, Scholars, Shamans, Healers and Storytellers:

·        Keepers of the nation's history, traditions, and languages. They might travel with caravans, preserving oral histories and performing epic sagas around campfires.

·        Utilize traditional herbal remedies and spiritual practices to treat the sick and injured. They might hold significant influence in communities, especially among those who cannot afford advanced medical technology.

6th Servants and Laborers: unfortunately because very hedonistic culture. Some people may go bankrupt, because most of caravan area was provided with high tech, a non skilled labour forced to work as road maintainer, tending to horses, cleaning tents, and performing hard manual labor. 


Challenges of great caravan:

·        Balancing Brutality and Vibrancy

·        Maintaining Nomadic unity

·        Social Divide and Ramblers' Rise

·        Leadership Succession: With two powerful clans and a charismatic leader, the question of succession after Bayarl Khan is crucial. 

·        Clashes with other nations because warlike nature


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