Sabtu, 23 Desember 2023

2400 ad Red nation lore

Red Nation, juga dikenal sebagai The Free World, adalah negara yang kuat dan ekspansif yang terletak di Amerika Serikat, Kanada, dan Siberia. Negara ini memiliki sejarah konflik yang panjang, dan memiliki kekuatan militer yang besar, termasuk senjata nuklir, rudal canggih, senjata kimia, dan senjata biologis.

Red Nation diperintah oleh Zion, seorang pemimpin yang otoriter dan brutal. Negara ini memiliki sistem politik yang unik, di mana orang-orang yang menang dalam permainan bertahan hidup di colosseum akan mendapatkan pengaruh politik. Zion sendiri adalah pemenang turnamen battle royale di arena selama 12 kali berturut-turut.

Red Nation memiliki budaya yang unik, yang didominasi oleh musik black metal. Negara ini juga memiliki sistem ekonomi neoliberal, penduduk Red Nation hanya memiliki dua pilihan pekerjaan: bekerja di pabrik atau militer.

Di militer, Red Nation menawarkan dua pilihan: Blood Khanate dan Wanderer Guild. Blood Khanate adalah negara boneka yang mengabdi kepada Red Nation, sedangkan Wanderer Guild adalah organisasi militer swasta yang berbasis di Eropa.

Red Nation adalah negara yang kompleks dan berbahaya. Negara ini memiliki kekuatan militer yang besar, dan pemimpinnya yang otoriter tidak segan-segan untuk menggunakan kekerasan untuk mencapai tujuannya.

  • Lokasi: Amerika Serikat, Kanada, dan Siberia
  • Pemerintahan: Satu partai, otoriter
  • Sistem politik: Berdasarkan kemampuan dalam permainan bertahan hidup
  • Pemimpin: Zion
  • Budaya: Didominasi oleh musik black metal
  • Ekonomi: Neoliberal
  • Militer: Kuat, dengan dua pilihan: Blood Khanate dan Wanderer Guild


  • The Red Nation operates in a state of anarchy, where power is consolidated through military might and strategic alliances. The focus on expanding territory aligns with the portrayal of the Red Nation as a faction engaged in conquest and the consolidation of power. 
  • Red Nation as a lawless and chaotic place marked by violence, gang wars, and the struggle for power. This suggests a society lacking effective governance and order, with Zion acting as a strongman figure attempting to maintain some semblance of control.
  • Zion's leadership style, described as authoritarian and totalitarian, further reinforces this interpretation. His centralized control, suppression of dissent, and use of force align with the characteristics of a militaristic regime.
  • The autonomy granted to provinces in exchange for tribute also hints at a decentralized system where local powers hold significant sway, further contributing to the image of a chaotic and fractured territory.
  • a totalitarian regime might present a facade of autonomy to provinces or certain groups to maintain a semblance of legitimacy or appease international pressure. However, this autonomy would be largely illusory, with the central government retaining ultimate control through hidden manipulation or indirect means.

  • Red nation is still posses a some remnant of high tech from 23th century especially in entertainment industry, one of their famous offer living in red nation was virtual world, a citizen can vent their emotions or living in their dream because this tech, and this is how politic play apart to help control their people by circle of pleasure
  • The Red Nation, also known as the Free World, has developed a distinct culture characterized by lawlessness, chaos, and the absence of government control. The territory is divided into autonomous provinces, each paying tribute to Zion, the leader. The environment is marked by the presence of various gangs and crews, each controlling their own territory and engaging in constant conflict for survival and dominance. The culture is one of violence, with alliances formed between rival factions and territories, The culture is one of survival, where violence and conflict are prevalent, and the people have adapted to a life without government or societal norms.

  • The main culture offered in the Red Nation/Free World is one of extreme militarism, survival games, and a totalitarian government. The society is expansionist and encourages its people to participate in violent survival games in a colosseum, where winning can lead to political influence. The Red Nation is ruled by Zion, a leader who has won the battle royale arena 12 times, solidifying his position as the undisputed ruler. The society is based on the glorification of violence, with a focus on military power, advanced weaponry, and a political system that rewards prowess in death games. Additionally, the Red Nation sponsors violent sports and entertainment, and its citizens are limited to working in factories or the military, with few other options due to its neoliberal economic system.
  • from a young age, the society indoctrinates its citizens into the philosophy of black metal, with children as young as 12 becoming radicalized. The Red Nation's economy is driven by the colosseum, the wanderer guild/blood khaganate, and the military, with black metal used for propaganda and brainwashing. The society also offers two paths in the military: the Blood Khanate, which offers more money but is radical and brutal, and the Wanderer, which is based in Europe and is more liberal but involves more dangerous missions.
  • segregation within the society, with only sterilized women allowed to roam freely, while fertile women are placed in designated areas called "peternakan."

Economic Control with Limited Freedom:

  • State-sanctioned corporations: Imagine giant companies operating within the Red Nation, enjoying significant autonomy in their internal affairs. However, these corporations would ultimately answer to the central government, which could dictate production goals, resource allocation, and even employment practices.

  • Social safety nets as a carrot and stick: The Red Nation might offer basic necessities like healthcare and education in exchange for compliance with the system. This could create a sense of dependence and limit individual autonomy, while simultaneously preventing unrest due to basic needs not being met.

Propaganda and Manipulation:

  • Justifying control through "security and efficiency": The government could portray its authoritarian measures as necessary for national security and economic stability. This narrative could be amplified through controlled media and education, shaping public perception and suppressing dissent.

  • Co-opting individual ambition within the system: The Red Nation might encourage citizens to pursue wealth and success within the prescribed bounds. This could involve rewarding entrepreneurs who align with the government's agenda, creating a sense of buy-in among ambitious individuals.

  • Blacklisting and ostracization of dissenters: Individuals or groups who question the system could face marginalization, economic hardship, or even imprisonment. This would serve as a powerful deterrent against challenging the established order.

Friction and Tensions:

  • Clashes between corporations and the state: Powerful corporations might chafe under government control, seeking greater autonomy and potentially even influencing policies to suit their own interests.

  • Black market and underground economies: Inevitably, some individuals would seek to circumvent the system, leading to the rise of black markets and illegal activities. This could pose a challenge to the government's control and create societal instability.

future problem for red nation:

  • Contradictions in governance: autonomous provinces who become too powerful 
  • Legitimacy of Zion's power: Winning a battle royale 12 times might create initial awe, but how does Zion maintain his hold on power over years? Is there any form of succession plan, or is the system entirely dependent on strength alone?
  • Sustainability of gladiator politics
  • Neoliberalism vs. authoritarian control
  • Limited job options
  • Black metal indoctrination
  • Motivations for citizens: Why would anyone willingly choose to remain in this brutal and restrictive society? 


  • Blood Khanate and Wanderer Guild: The two military options seem very different in nature. How does the Red Nation balance the potential conflict between a brutal puppet state and a potentially rebellious liberal force like the Wanderer Guild?

travel log:

with the society resembling a mall but being more chaotic and lawless. They also encounter the intense militarism and survival games, such as the colosseum, which serves as a symbol of entertainment in the Red Nation. Furthermore, the propaganda and brainwashing techniques employed by the Red Nation, particularly through the use of black metal as a symbol for propaganda and indoctrination.

it appears that the Red Nation, ruled by Zion, is depicted as a lawless and chaotic territory with a focus on expanding its influence and territory. The narrative portrays a society marked by violence, gang wars, and the struggle for power and control. The Red Nation is shown to be engaged in military conquests, battles, and the consolidation of power under Zion's leadership. its also highlights the autonomy granted to provinces in exchange for tribute, the use of military tactics, and the formation of alliances and rivalries with other factions.

In this context, it does make sense for Zion to rule over a lawless and chaotic territory while focusing on expanding his territory. the Red Nation operates in a state of anarchy, where power is consolidated through military might and strategic alliances. The focus on expanding territory aligns with the portrayal of the Red Nation as a faction engaged in conquest and the consolidation of power. 

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