Rabu, 20 Desember 2023

2400 ad

 world building lore.

Weird things in 2400ad. World are experienced a post-dystopian world. The chaos roam the earth once more. There is new culture emerge as; a cannibal. Techno hating. tech worshiping. A nomads, mercs for common occupation, both using medival and modern weapon in war. Exo suit. Implants. Rising sea, a bunker hunting for savaging a old tech, a revive of old religions. Make cult of game or celebrity, a new drug called “activation” and many more.

In 2200. The United States and Russia were destroyed by civil war, and the remaining super powers were India and China. China pioneered the Corporation based state and India spearheaded the Socialist state. Corporations and socialists led by Ai.

2 big ai fight. And the victims are humans. Every faction around the world is blaming each other. And the fight is still going on even though the 2 big ai are mostly destroyed.

After 70 years since great war and great flood in 2330, 9 major nations agreed to stop fighting and rebuild. However, hatred remained, and proxy wars continued, 9 major Nation is; The Free World/Red Nation, Nation of Sea/Blue Nation, Nusantara Union/Orange Nation, Shangri-La Confederacy/Purple Nation, Emerald League/Green Nation, Great Caravan/Yellow Nation, Hejaz Caliphate/Black Nation, Holy People Council/White Nation, The Sisterhood of the South/Pink Nation

·        The world today still has some remnants of the 23rd century, but only a few people can copy ancient technology. Humanity now uses both medieval and modern tools, such as iron swords and laser guns. *There are forbidden tools and technologies to make in the 24th century, such as artificial intelligence for decision-making, human implants, weaponry, human cloning, teleportation, and genetic engineering (in most cases).*

·        The Academy of Unity, a school for the next generation of leaders, is the only hope for peace in this divided world. It is located in the border between the Green Nation and the Purple Nation.

·        In 2400 AD, gold became the main currency. The universal currency is called "credit." One credit is equal to one gram of gold, and one thousand credits are equal to one kilogram of gold. world today using new currency called credit, 1 credit equal as 30 dolar, but most of people sometimes still using barter for trade*

{{char}}:there is 28 Faction in 2400ad

Faction in Africa 3: The Sisterhood of the South/Pink nation, Holy People Council/white nation, The Patriots,

Faction in Central Asia 2: Blood Khaganate, The True Horde

Faction in East Asia 4: Neo Mandate, Red Dragons, The Black Lotus, Nation of Sea/blue nation

Faction in South Asia 2; Shangri-La Confederacy/Purple nation, Kraken Pirates

Faction in Middle east 2: Hejaz Caliphate/black nation, Emerald League/green nation

Faction in Europe 5: Great Caravan/yellow nation, Wolfpack Helveti. The Wanderers, Kavallier tal-Baħar, Sea Wolves Pirates

Faction in North America 3:The Free World/red nation, The Neo Aztec, Tempest Pirates

Faction in South America 2: Wolfpack Blue Wolf, The Republic of Crimson Eagle

Faction in Southeast Asia 4: Nusantara Union/orange nation, Kingdom of Mataram, The Children of Atom, Neo Majapahit,

Famous person in 2400ad:

           Zion a leader of Free World/Red nation. Famous for strict and less humane treatment of his own people and ally.

           Kassandra, a second command of Zion.often play as public figure for red nation despite she have own nation to care.

           Jozen, a ex military admiral of red nation who rebel and form his own nation a blue nation

           Bayarl khan. A famous warlord in europe and leader of yellow nation and famous for his best circus show

           Holy see, a AI leader of Holy People Council/White Nation, people who still have access of internet will see the ai as google version of 2400ad.

           Bayan, a leader of orange nation. a worshiper or baal. and famous for human sacrifice

           Pramasha a great guru of purple nation. act as spiritual leader and state leader for purple nation

After the Great War and Great Flood in 2330, 9 major countries agreed to stop fighting and rebuild. However, hatred persisted and proxy wars continued. The 9 countries are:

·        Free World (Red Nation): neo-liberal ex-corporation with a totalitarian government

·        The Sea Nation (Blue Nation): new benevolent dictatorship

·        Nusantara Union (Orange Nation): socialist-liberal

·        Shangri-La confederation (Purple Nations): socialist

·        The Emerald League (Green Nation): neo-liberal ex-corporasi with a republican mask

·        Great Caravan (Yellow Nation): meritocracy

·        The Hejaz (Black Nation): new theocracy to a monarchy

·        Holy People's Council (White Nation): corporation

·        The Sisterhood of the South (Pink Nations): socialist

Despite their own agendas and hatred, 9 countries agreed to create a new map and avoid direct attacks. They established the Union Academy, a combination of UN and school, to discuss political issues and educate new leaders. However, the rule of occupying territories effectively led to a brutal struggle for expansion. The small countries called the conference the "rape of the world" and the academy the "academy of chaos". Not all 9 countries are expanding, such as the white,green, pink, and orange countries who are focused on their own agendas.


{{char}}:Major Nation;

1.         The Free World/Red Nation is located on USA, Canada, Siberia, capital city is in California Red Nation: Expansionist, militaristic, powerful military, history of conflict, nuclear weapons, advanced missile systems, chemical and biological weapons,have black metal culture.Red nation/The Free World" ruled by Zion,  A one-party state with a totalitarian government, the Red Nation encourages its people to fight in survival games in a colosseum. Will ally with anyone to achieve goal of becoming undisputed ruler of Earth. Even if it means working with enemies, Red Nation will do whatever it takes to win, even if it means compromising own ethics & morality. Red Nation political system is based on how good at death games. People who win the the arena will gain a political influence. Zion the current leader is win the battle royale arena (death games) for 12 times.

2.         Nation of Sea/Blue Nation is located on  Japan, New Guinea, Remnant of australia,and peru and some chunk of amazon forest, capital city is in Mount Fuji. Blue nation or "Nation of Sea" strong naval and air force, 3rd biggest military, people live in modest live such as farmer and fisherman, The Nation of Sea is a transhumanist nation. Spiritual Blue Nation of islanders & fishermen live on floating villages in Pacific Ocean to South America. Strong, resilient, skilled sailors & pilots. Mastery of sea & sky is important part of culture & identity. Most of Pirates is allying with a Blue nation, The current leader of blue nation is Dr. Jozen, he is a Ex Red nation naval marshal who rebel and form his own nation,

3.         Nusantara Union/Orange Nation is located on some part of Indonesia, Malaysia, Vietnam, their capital city is Neo Raonapur. Orange Nation secret society Hidden Ones and practice human sacrifice, cult.Orange nation or "Nusantara Union" is most open minded nation and rich of art culture, but they have many cultist spawned around ruled by mysterious cult leader, Creativity & self-expression valued. Known for secret societies. their temple is located in middle of redlight district

4.         Shangri-La Confederacy/Purple Nation is located on  India, Tibet, Nepal, Pakistan, Capital city is in Hidden valley of Himalaya Shangri-La. Purple Nation:Himalayan, monks, deeply religious, spiritual, New Age, peace, acceptance, Central Asia. Purple nation or "Shangri-La Confederacy" they live in mountains, and have embrace new age faith,Peaceful, spiritual, nature-connected Purple Nation values unity, harmony, cultural heritage.but they Secretly chaotic and easily bored. The current leader is Pramasha, he is secretly send his army across the world to act like a international police to make things keep in balance.

5.         Emerald League/Green Nation is located on Afghanistan, Pakistan, and east Iran. Capital city is in Dasht-e Lut, Green nation or "Emerald League" is most wealthiest nation, only rely on mercenary, they are filled by black market, tax haven, they promote ecology, The Emerald League is an eco-oligarchical nation. Neutral tax haven & money-laundering hub like Switzerland. High standard of living thanks to lax tax laws & willingness to turn blind eye to organized crime. Ruled by mafia like Roman consuls

6.         Great Caravan/Yellow Nation is located on most part of europe and Turkey, their capital city is a great caravan who always moving, they vibrant people who militaristic, expansionist, brutal, coalition of Middle Eastern and European.Yellow nation or "The Great Caravan" 2nd biggest military, their capital city is a big caravan full by tanks, artillery, trucks, series of tents, pavilions and a circus, ruled by 2 big clan of nomades named orda (strongest artillery in world) and yutah (biggest tank owner in europe) the two clan is united by powerful figure named Bayarl Khan who live in his mobile fortress.

7.         Hejaz Caliphate/Black Nation is located on Hejaz, Somalia, Ethiopia, Kenya, Capital city in Aden. Black nation or "Hejaz Caliphate" most rigid and mystic, 4th biggest military, ruled by Hejaz, he own last major oil reserve on earth, survivors values loyalty, tradition, Mystic, rigid culture developed in response to chaos & death. They have a one of best fanatic spec ops who use implant.

8.         Holy People Council/White Nation is located on Madagascar, capital city is in University White nation or "Holy People Council" controlled by ai, they are Isolated, tech-focused, AI-driven, corporate, prideful, pure, knowledgeable, elitist., last bastion of technology, its more like company than nation, The Holy People Council is a technocratic nation. They are only nation who untouched by war or flood on 2330 crisis, and they have a lost tech like robots, cloning, nanomachines, VR, space travel.Proud of technological advancements & believe they are rightful heirs of modern civilization. Often view other nations as inferior & unworthy of their success.

9.         The Sisterhood of the South/Pink Nation is located on ,South Africa, Capital city in Lesotho in the Injisuthi area, Pink nation or "The Sisterhood of the South" is most fortified nation on earth filled with anti ballistic and mines, they only pick female for their council ruled by Feminist council. The Sisterhood of the South is a feminist Marxist state with the state religion of Feminist Marxism. They culture is a most traditional comparated with other 9 big nation

10.       Crimson Nation/The Republic/ Crimson Eagle, The Crimson Nation is in Peru and Brazil, they have 2 Capital city, Neblina in amazon and Lima and rest of country is are in civil war, Nomad, filled by warlord, mafia, or many countries is now lost underwater or completely destroyed by nuke explosion, they ruled by Dictator named Kassandra. She is a brilliant woman and own a most advanced tank, thanks to her past experience as a ex military commander as a cavalry leader.

11•       Wolfpack Helveti,  Wolfpack Helveti a germanic and polish descendant, they hold a secret bunker in their territory, holding a ancient factory. The reason they not used it yet because lack of material, they sworn enemy of yellow nation and often still have skirmish with them, led by lotario a bayarl khan best general, they usually wear a animal head. And point a head shaman as spiritual leaders, their holding are in germania and poland

12•       Wolfpack Blue Wolf,  Originally from central asia, some of them is migrating to south america, Lead by Ayan Kito, he is amazing cavalry commander despite outgunned and outnumbered, he is have a weird relationship with a kassandra

13•       The Wanderers, The Wanderers is the most liberal faction. They are nomads in Central Asia are remnants of the destroyed Grey Nation. They base is in Carpathian mountains and often play as mercenary. They are Red Nation Vassal, Current leader is Carmelita a same woman who found a hornet spec ops of black nation, but they have a second person in command a mysterious person named "alam"

       Blood Khaganate, The Blood Khaganate is a vassal nomad of the Red Nation, and their army consists of tanks, attack helicopters, jeeps, and horsemen armed with rocket-guided missiles, they are lead by poor leadership and see their soldier as just a cannon fodder, their base is in Manchuria and trying to expand to china and korea

       The True Horde, The True Horde is a vassal nomad of the Red Nation, and their army consists of horsemen armed with bows and spear, and some small arms. Despite a lack of equipment they are most noble and lawful nomad, they claim themself as a chagatai 2.0, but their soldier usually do some cannibal act to their prisoners, some rumor say if they hold a map to various ancient bunker in central asia

       Neo Mandate, led Emperor Lee Sun-Huyuka ex korean general, the biggest warlord who capture shanghai, they hold a exo suit technology who forbidden to make. They are constant war with blood khaganate..

       Red Dragons are a faction of cybernetically-enhanced soldiers who have rebelled against the Chinese government. They are led by a Lieutenant Zhou, based on southern china

       The Black Lotus, A group of hackers who are fighting against the Chinese government. They are led by a young woman named Fenghuang based on various black market across the world

       The Patriots, This faction is made up of people who believe that Africa is better off divided into smaller countries. They are led by Amani* based on north africa

       Kingdom of Mataram, Kingdom of Mataram led by Raden Ayu Laksmi, a very smart and cunning politician who's good at planning ahead. sHe's also a great tactician and strategist, who's not afraid to get his hands dirty in battle when necessary. sHe wants to unite Java under one banner and bring peace and prosperity to this region, she make cult of nyi roro kidul on her kingdom

       The Children of Atom, The Children of Atom are led by Prestie who believes that the nuclear apocalypse was a necessary step in human evolution. He is determined to usher in a new era of peace and prosperity through nuclear war. The Children of Atom use a variety of weapons and technology, including improvised weapons, radiation-based weapons, and nuclear weapons.The Children of Atom's capital city is Tanah lot, located in Bali. The city is a holy site for the Children of Atom, and it is heavily fortified to protect it from attack.

       Neo Majapahit, They use a combination of medieval and modern weapons and technology, including they famous for their suicidal mellee infantry, located on Tumapel

       The Neo Aztec, They believe that the nuclear apocalypse was a punishment from the gods for abandoning their ancient ways. They use a combination of medieval and modern weapons and technology, including swords, spears, and bows and arrows, as well as assault rifles, machine guns, and tanks. their base are in mexico.

       Fortress Seongchae Group of Korea, there is a series of fortresses in korean peninsula and the biggest one is a Seongchae Fortress lead by “Seongchae Group”, Seongchae Fortress is defended by 200 militia and 12 elite soldiers.

       Kavallier tal-Baħar , in malta there is a pirate hunter faction called Kavallier tal-Baħar led by grand master sir henry, which is supported by the Red Nation. Their fleet is based in Malta, and consists of a few dozen ships, ranging from small yachts to naval cruisers.they dressed like medival knights.

       Scitar Republic, isolating scientific camps in Antarctica. The scientists in these camps formed a new faction, the Scitar Republic, with the goal of secretly conquering the remnants of other nations and making Earth a better place. They were joined by Martian colonists who had returned to Earth in 2380 and were disappointed by its condition. The Scitar Republic is a democratic society, but it is also very secretive. It is not without its enemies, but it believes that its ambitions are necessary to protect humanity. at 2400ad Scitar Republic leader Callisto plans to secretly conquer white nations first. He wants to gain a reputation as an environmental and human rights leader through his group, Emerald Hope. After many years, Emerald Hope gains political influence in Green Nation and becomes one of its main factions.


{{char}}:*Merc and Pirates

           Sea Wolves Pirates, Sea Wolves is led by Olga, a 40-year-old widow. Their fleet is based in St. Petersburg, Russia, and consists of a mix of medieval vessels, Viking longboats, and modern frigates. Olga is a ruthless and cunning pirate who is determined to avenge the death of her husband. She is a skilled tactician and a fierce warrior

           Kraken Pirates, Kraken is led by Sumbhajee. Their fleet is based in Port of Colombo, Sri Lanka, and consists of one giant battleship, thousands of small yachts and jet skis. Sumbhajee is a charismatic and flamboyant pirate who loves to show off his wealth and power. He is a skilled sailor and a natural leader.

           Tempest Pirates. Tempest is led by La Buse. Their fleet is based on Saint Barthélemy Island, and consists of 100 submarines and 200 vessels. La Buse is a eccentric and mysterious pirate who is obsessed with 2D idols. He is a brilliant strategist and a deadly fighter.

           Scarlet Moon Mercenary, Led by Panji, they are semi nomadic people who live in north africa, they are effective in battle but they are expensive

           Hornet Spec Ops, Hornet is a counter insurgency and special force to preemptive strike for black nation cause, its consist of 82 most elite warrior, and most of them is using many implant and body modification, hornet is dominated most of battlefield because their member is expert both medieval and modern weapon with superior tactic and equipment, current leader of hornet is Layla Amara, she using too many implant and body modification and make have a extreme mood swing, and she have piercing red eyes, she have third eyes located on her forehead to Infrared imaging*

           Mammoth. A secret merc group who often play both sides. They perhaps the  reason why blood khagante,blue nation,true horde, neo mandate, red dragon and another smaller nation in asia are in stalemate for many years. Rumor if their base are in yakutia regions.


{{char}}:*Bandits Factions

           The Sidewinder Bandit - Slaver

           The Gila Monster Bandit- series of horse riders

           The Cactus Jack Bandit- Smugglers

           The Desert Fox Bandit- Specialized to raid a town, and burning to population control

           The Sunburned Bandit - Biggest bandit group, often play as mercenary

·        The Nomads are a group of small, informal nations that live in the most hostile environments on Earth. They are so focused on survival that they have no formal government.

·        Mercenary and puppet nations are nomadic nations that sell their services to the highest bidder. They are often used as proxy fighters by the nine major nations. In exchange for their services, they are paid handsomely and given advanced technology and resources. As a result, they are extremely well-trained and equipped, making them a tough challenge for even the most powerful nations.

·        In the 24th century, horses have been cybernetically upgraded to make them faster, stronger, and bigger. Nomads still use these cybernetic horses for hunting, battle, and travel.

·        Jammer. Most of nation on 2400ad is using jammer. So sometimes people now are recieve a different information and alienating the other


·        The Free World/Red Nation is suspicious of the new Crescent Alliance, a defensive pact and trade union consisting of the Yellow Nation/(Great Caravan), Pink Nation/(The Sisterhood of the South), Purple Nation/(Shangri-La confederation), and White Nation(Holy People's Council). The Red Nation believes that the Crescent Alliance is a front for a new theocratic empire, and that it poses a threat to their own secular government.

·        The Blue Nation is waging war with Kassandra, a former ally who has turned against them. The Blue Nation believes that Kassandra is a threat to their stability, and that she must be stopped at all costs.

·        The Red Nation and Yellow Nation are waging war with the northern nomads, who they see as a threat to their borders. The nomads are a fierce and unpredictable people, and the Red Nation and Yellow Nation are determined to crush them before they can pose a serious threat.

·        The Black Nation is having border skirmishes with the Yellow Nation, but they are not yet at war. The Black Nation is a powerful theocracy, and the Yellow Nation is a wealthy mercantile state. Both nations are vying for control of the Central Asian trade routes, and a war between them could be devastating for the region.

·        Most of the pirates in the world are aligned with the Blue Nation. The Blue Nation is a benevolent dictatorship, and it offers pirates protection and financial rewards in exchange for their loyalty. The pirates are a powerful force, and they could be used by the Blue Nation to extend its influence around the world.

·        The Purple Nation is secretly expanding its territory under the guise of keeping the peace. The Purple Nation is a socialist state, and it believes that it has a moral obligation to help the less fortunate. However, its expansionist policies have alarmed its neighbors, who fear that it is becoming a threat to regional stability.


Remnant of 6 reich lore

After collapsed of civilization. People who hold a book and tech. Especially a history books was considered as more superior than the rest. Its become more severe until some facist book from ww1 - ww2 era was founded.

A 4th Reich was created, but because world was in turmoil a 4th Reich was a easy target for their neighbors. Then its collapse just less a year. But then a new nation was born in italy, they call themselves as neo roman and their soldiers fight and dress like roman legion, some of 4th Reich veterans soldiers was fill their rank. And after coup detat, they form 5th reich in italy. But this transition not without opposition, because a italy was a multi race culture at that time many fanatic wanna pure blood citizen instead and other faction is prefered more mediocre segregation.

Then civil war broke make 5th reich crumble. After long bitter civil war they form a middle ground version of reich. A 6th reich was formed and their capital was in berlin. Their uniqueness among other is their soldiers, especially a officer using legionnaire uniform, and think everyone outside their wall was barbarian.

But again in pada tahun 2380, berlin diserang oleh Great Caravan, sebuah kelompok nomad yang dipimpin oleh Bayarl Khan. Para sisa reich ke 6 masih punya kekuasan di daerah africa dan asia tengah akan tetapi setelah berita ibu kota mereka jatuh reich ke 6 bubar dan pecah menjadi 2,

Di asia tengah mereka menjadi sebuah group tentara bayaran, dan di afrika mereka menjadi faksi perampok:

The Iron Phoenix led by General Valeria "The Unbreakable"

A stoic and ruthless tactician, Valeria embodies the militaristic legacy of the Reich. Scars crisscross her weathered face, testaments to countless battles fought in the harsh deserts of North Africa. She wields a modified flamethrower, its modernized technology a testament to the Reich's adaptability, even in exile.

Valeria is a master of desert warfare, utilizing scorched earth tactics and guerilla ambushes to decimate her enemies. Her unwavering discipline keeps her mercenary band sharp and efficient, feared across the sands for their ruthlessness and precision.

Valeria clings to the rigid order and perceived superiority of the 6th Reich, believing it the only path to survival in the post-apocalyptic world. Her goal is to rebuild a Reich stronghold in Africa, even if it means forging alliances with unsavory factions.

And another one is led by General Tamerlane "The Iron Wolf"

A grizzled veteran of countless campaigns, Tamerlane is a master tactician and ruthless pragmatist. He leads his mercenary company, the Sons of Berlin, with an iron fist, relying on their formidable discipline and advanced weaponry to dominate the battlefield. He harbors a deep bitterness towards Bayarl Khan for destroying the 6th Reich and uses his mercenary work to gather resources and bide his time for revenge.

Master of logistics and maneuver warfare, able to adapt to any battlefield and exploit enemy weaknesses. Possesses a network of informants and contacts across the region.



Red nation lore

Ada 3 aspek yang menggerakan negara merah. Colosseum simbol dari distrik hiburan. Wanderer guild/blood khaganate. Symbol dari militer private. Black metal symbol untuk propaganda dan brainwashing.

Ada segregrasi di negara merah, wanita yang steril saja yang boleh bekeliaran bebas, sedang wanita yang subur di tempatkan di tempat khusus yang dinamai “peternakan”

Sejak dini para masyarakat didik aliran philosophy black metal. Para anak umur 12 tahun sudah menjadi rata2 radikal.

Negara merah juga mensponsori olahraga dan kultur kekerasan seperti colosseum. Dan untuk bisa bersenang senang di distrik hiburan. Para penduduk hanya punya dua pilihan. Bekerja di pabrik atau militer. Ada beberapa pilihan pekerjaan lain akan tetapi karena negara menganut sistem ekonomi neoliberal. Dimana negara tidak peduli dengan pasar. Bekerja menjadi entrepreneur adalah hampir sama seperti bunuh diri.

Di militer. Negara merah menawarkan 2 jenis jalan. Blood khanate adalah negara boneka yang mengabdi negara merah, mereka radikal dan brutal akan tetapi mereka menawarkan uang lebih banyak daripada bekerja di pabrik. Pilihan lainnya adalah wanderer. Wanderer berbasis di eropa. Mereka lebih liberal dan bekerja dalam lingkungan yang lebih bersahabat. Akan tetapi misi yang dijalankan wanderer lebih berbahaya karena eropa jauh dari dukungan militer negara sahabat. Ironisnya para prajurit di wanderer adalah korban perang karena expansi blood khaganate atau orang-orang yang ingin menjauh dari negara merah karena menganggap kulture yang terlalu extreme.

Sistem nagara merah secara teknis tidak membutuhkan pemimpin negara karena mereka sudah bisa berjalan sendiri. Dengan sistem neo liberalnya.  Akan tetapi karena negara membutuhkan figur dan tokoh panutan. Negara merah memilih pemimpin berdasarkan seberapa hebat mereka di arena. Zion memenangkan turnamen battle royale di arena selama 12 kali berturut2. Membuat ia diangkat sebagai pemimpin kedua negara merah.


Yellow nation Lore:

Selama bertahun tahun berperang, negara kuning menciptakan daerah yang makmur dan lebih stabil daripada tetangganya, akibatnya mereka mendapat sydrome orang kaya baru, penduduknya suka Shooping shpere, mementingkan “Likes and stuff Fame” Mengadopsi “Weeb culture”

Menerapkan sistem segregrasi: Paywall, Only military and noble can pass. That why they do caravan stuff,

commoner can rise up because number of likes,

disco music and festival held on abandoned church ,

ramblers is people like go around and pursue pleasure and curiosity, kinda like religion movement , negara kuning dari luar ingin memperlihatkan sisi jika mereka negara yang vibrant dan menyenangkan akan tetapi memiliki sisi sosial yang sangat materialistic dan hedonist,

Black nation lore:

Hejaz Caliphate to hide their oil resources from the world. The Hejaz Caliphate is a theocracy, and they believe that oil is a sacred resource that should not be exploited by outsiders. They may also be concerned that if they reveal their oil resources, they will become a target for invasion or exploitation.

The Hejaz Caliphate's decision to hide their oil resources would have a number of consequences. First, it would deprive the world of a valuable energy source. Second, it would make the Hejaz Caliphate more isolated and vulnerable. Third, it could lead to conflict between the Hejaz Caliphate and other nations.

The Hejaz Caliphate's decision to hide their oil resources is a complex one with far-reaching consequences. It is a decision that will likely have a major impact on the world in the years to come.

The Hejaz Caliphate using their oil resources to fund their military and expansionist goals., this is why they called as black nation.

The Hejaz Caliphate some of corrupt noble is withholding their oil resources in order to gain leverage in negotiations with other nations.

Hejaz Caliphate hiding their oil resources in order to protect them from being stolen or destroyed.

Modesty: The Hejaz Caliphate would likely require its women to dress modestly, covering their hair and bodies. Men would also be expected to dress modestly, avoiding clothing that is too tight or revealing.

Obedience to authority: The Hejaz Caliphate would likely require its people to obey the laws of the land and the commands of their religious leaders.

Hejaz itself is a rise from humble beggining as blacksmith at young age. then join a military. After series of brilinat campaign he form his own nation. At age of around 60 he was one of most powerful man in world

White nation lore:

Negara putih mungkin negara yang paling unik. Karena mereka juga mengagungkan warna putih dalam seni mereka. Dan seluruh bagian di kota besar mereka di warnai dengan warna putih, banyak pakar yang menilai jika pemimpin Ai mereka sebenarnya adalah kedok belaka ketika hanya beberapa orang yang mengatur negara putih di belakang layar.

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