Rabu, 20 Desember 2023

2400ad in general


In the year 2400 AD, the world has transformed into a post-dystopian setting with various factions and remnants of the 23rd century. The major nations are engaged in a complex web of alliances, conflicts, and diplomatic intricacies. The United States and Russia were destroyed by civil war, leaving India and China as the remaining superpowers. This led to the emergence of nine major nations, each with unique characteristics and agendas.

The Free World/Red Nation is expansionist, militaristic, and controlled by Zion, who encourages people to fight in survival games. The Blue Nation, led by Dr. Jozen, is a transhumanist society with a strong naval force. The Nusantara Union/Orange Nation values art and creativity but has a dark side involving secret societies and human sacrifice. The Shangri-La Confederacy/Purple Nation is spiritual and peace-loving but secretly engages in expansionist activities. The Emerald League/Green Nation is wealthy and eco-oligarchical, relying on mercenaries and black market resources.

The Great Caravan/Yellow Nation is a vibrant and militaristic group, while the Hejaz Caliphate/Black Nation is rigid and mystical, possessing precious oil reserves. The Holy People Council/White Nation is isolated, tech-focused, and AI-driven, and the Sisterhood of the South/Pink Nation is a feminist Marxist state with a heavily fortified structure.

The world is also home to various famous figures such as Zion, Kassandra, Bayarl Khan, and Holy See, each influencing their respective factions. The dynamics of the world include alliances, wars, and proxy conflicts, with the Academy of Unity serving as a hope for peace.

The world's economy is centered around gold, with a universal currency called "credit." Each credit is equivalent to $30, but barter is still prevalent. Additionally, there are forbidden technologies in the 24th century, including artificial intelligence, human implants, weaponry, human cloning, teleportation, and genetic engineering.

The factions are further divided and supported by various mercenary groups, pirates, and bandits. The diplomatic landscape is complex, with suspicions, wars, and alliances shaping the relationships between the major nations.

Moreover, the remnants of the 6th Reich in Europe have been transformed into mercenary groups and factions of bandits. These groups are led by General Valeria and General Tamerlane, both of whom aim to rebuild a Reich stronghold.


Red Nation:

The Red Nation, also known as the Free World, is an expansionist and militaristic faction located in the territories of the USA, Canada, and Siberia, with its capital city in California. It is ruled by Zion, a totalitarian leader who encourages people to participate in survival games in a colosseum. The Red Nation has a powerful military, including advanced missile systems, nuclear weapons, and chemical and biological weapons. It is a one-party state with a totalitarian government, and its political system is based on the success of individuals in death games. The Red Nation is known for its black metal culture and is willing to ally with anyone to achieve its goal of becoming the undisputed ruler of Earth. The faction is also involved in sponsoring violent sports and entertainment, and it offers limited options for its citizens, such as working in factories or joining the military. Additionally, the Red Nation has two military factions: the Blood Khaganate, a radical and brutal puppet state, and the Wanderers, a more liberal group based in Europe. The Red Nation is also suspicious of the new Crescent Alliance, a defensive pact and trade union, and is engaged in various conflicts and alliances with other major nations.

The lore and culture of the Red Nation are deeply rooted in militarism, survival games, and a totalitarian regime, with a focus on expansion and dominance. The faction also has vassal factions, such as the Wanderers and the Blood Khaganate, which play significant roles in its military and political strategies.

The Yellow Nation

The Yellow Nation, also known as the Great Caravan, is a militaristic and expansionist faction located in most parts of Europe and Turkey. Its capital city is a mobile fortress, a big caravan filled with tanks, artillery, trucks, and a circus. The Yellow Nation is a coalition of Middle Eastern and European clans, ruled by two powerful nomadic clans named Orda, known for having the strongest artillery in the world, and Yutah, the largest tank owner in Europe. These two clans are united under the leadership of a powerful figure named Bayarl Khan.

The Yellow Nation has created prosperous and stable regions through years of warfare, resulting in a "newly rich" syndrome among its population, leading to a focus on materialism and social media validation. The nation has implemented a system of segregation, where only military and nobility are allowed to pass through certain areas, reflecting their nomadic lifestyle and caravan culture.

The Yellow Nation is the second-largest military force and is known for its vibrant and militaristic society. They have a strong presence in the region and are engaged in skirmishes with various factions, including the Wolfpack Helveti in Europe. The Yellow Nation's lore also includes the use of cybernetically enhanced horses for hunting, battle, and travel, reflecting their blend of medieval and modern tools in warfare.

Overall, the Yellow Nation is a powerful and influential faction with a unique blend of traditional and modern elements, reflecting its nomadic heritage and militaristic culture.

The Black Nation

The Black Nation, also known as the Hejaz Caliphate, is a powerful theocratic state located in the territories of Hejaz, Somalia, Ethiopia, and Kenya, with its capital city in Aden. It is ruled by Hejaz, a leader who owns the last major oil reserve on Earth. The Black Nation is the fourth largest military power and is characterized by its rigid and mystic culture, developed in response to chaos and death. The nation values loyalty, tradition, and mysticism, and it has a strong focus on survival and tradition. The Black Nation is known for its fanatic special operations forces, who use advanced implants and are highly skilled in combat.

The Black Nation's lore includes its decision to hide its oil resources from the world, believing that oil is a sacred resource that should not be exploited by outsiders. This has led to the nation's isolation and vulnerability, as well as potential conflicts with other nations. The Black Nation's culture emphasizes modesty and obedience to authority, and it has a strong belief in the sanctity of its resources and traditions.

Overall, the Black Nation is a powerful and enigmatic faction with a unique blend of mysticism, tradition, and military strength, making it a significant player in the complex geopolitical landscape of the 24th century.


The White nation

The White Nation, also known as the Holy People Council, is a technocratic and isolated faction located on Madagascar, with its capital city in University White. It is controlled by an artificial intelligence (AI) and is characterized by its focus on technology, elitism, and pride. The White Nation is a corporate entity and is considered the last bastion of technology, having remained untouched by the crises of 2330. The nation takes pride in its technological advancements and views itself as the rightful heir of modern civilization. It is known for its belief in its superiority over other nations and its isolationist stance. The lore of the White Nation includes its reverence for the color white in its art and architecture, with experts speculating that the AI leader may be a facade for a small group of individuals who truly govern the nation.

In summary, the White Nation is a technocratic and elitist faction that values technological superiority and isolation, with an AI-driven government and a strong belief in its own exceptionalism.


The Green Nation

The Green Nation, also known as the Emerald League, is located in Afghanistan, Pakistan, and eastern Iran, with its capital city in Dasht-e Lut. It is the wealthiest nation and relies heavily on mercenary forces and black market activities. The nation promotes ecological values and is considered a neutral tax haven and money-laundering hub, similar to Switzerland. The Emerald League is ruled by a mafia-like oligarchy and offers a high standard of living due to lax tax laws and a willingness to turn a blind eye to organized crime.


The lore of the Green Nation includes its reliance on mercenary forces, its wealth derived from black market activities, and its promotion of ecological values. The nation's leadership is characterized by an eco-oligarchical structure, and it is known for its neutral tax haven status and money-laundering activities.

The Purple Nation

The Purple Nation, also known as the Shangri-La Confederacy, is a socialist state located in India, Tibet, Nepal, and Pakistan, with its capital city in the Hidden Valley of Himalaya Shangri-La. The nation is characterized by its spiritual and peaceful nature, embracing New Age faith and valuing unity, harmony, and cultural heritage. The Purple Nation is deeply religious, with a focus on spiritual and nature-connected values. It is led by Pramasha, who acts as both a spiritual and state leader.


Despite its peaceful image, the Purple Nation is secretly expanding its territory under the guise of maintaining peace, which has raised concerns among its neighbors. The nation's expansionist policies have led to fears of regional instability. Additionally, the Purple Nation is known for its chaotic and easily bored nature, and it has been secretly sending its army across the world to act as an international police force to maintain balance.


In summary, the Purple Nation is a spiritual and peaceful socialist state with a focus on New Age faith, unity, and cultural heritage, but its expansionist policies have caused alarm among neighboring nations.

The pink Nation

The Pink Nation, also known as The Sisterhood of the South, is a feminist Marxist state located in South Africa, with its capital city in the Injisuthi area of Lesotho. The nation is known for being the most fortified on Earth, with anti-ballistic defenses and mines. It is ruled by a feminist council and has a state religion of Feminist Marxism. The culture of The Sisterhood of the South is considered the most traditional compared to the other nine major nations. The lore of the Pink Nation includes its emphasis on feminist values and its unique approach to governance and societal structure.


In summary, the Pink Nation is a feminist Marxist state with a strong emphasis on traditional values and a highly fortified infrastructure.

The orange Nation

The Orange Nation, also known as the Nusantara Union, is located in parts of Indonesia, Malaysia, and Vietnam, with its capital city in Neo Raonapur. The nation is characterized by its open-mindedness and rich art culture, but it is also home to the Hidden Ones, a secret society that practices human sacrifice and cult rituals. The Orange Nation values creativity and self-expression, and it is known for its vibrant art culture. However, it is also plagued by the presence of cultists and secret societies, with their temple located in the middle of a red-light district.


The lore of the Orange Nation includes its association with the Hidden Ones, its rich art culture, and its open-mindedness. The nation's leadership and society are influenced by the presence of mysterious cult leaders and the practice of human sacrifice, which adds complexity to its cultural and political landscape.

The blue Nation

The Blue Nation, also known as the "Nation of Sea," is a transhumanist nation located in Japan, New Guinea, remnants of Australia, Peru, and some parts of the Amazon forest, with its capital city situated in Mount Fuji. The Blue Nation is characterized by a strong naval and air force, ranking as the third biggest military power. The people of the Blue Nation live modest lives, primarily as farmers and fishermen. They are known for their resilience, skill in sailing and piloting, and mastery of the sea and sky, which are integral parts of their culture and identity.

The Blue Nation is a benevolent dictatorship, led by Dr. Jozen, a former Red Nation naval marshal who rebelled and formed his own nation. Most of the pirates in the world are aligned with the Blue Nation, as it offers them protection and financial rewards in exchange for loyalty. The pirates are a powerful force and could be used by the Blue Nation to extend its influence globally.

In the Blue Nation, you would likely encounter floating villages in the Pacific Ocean to South America, where the islanders and fishermen reside. The nation's culture is deeply connected to the sea, and its people are skilled sailors and pilots. The society is known for its modest living, with a focus on farming and fishing. Additionally, the Blue Nation is a transhumanist society, where cybernetic enhancements, advanced technology, and a mastery of the sea and air are prevalent.

Visitors to the Blue Nation may also witness the influence of Dr. Jozen, the leader, and the impact of the pirates who align with the nation. The nation's strong naval and air force, as well as its unique culture and technological advancements, would be prominent features of the Blue Nation.


In addition to the 9 major nations, there are several other influential factions in the post-dystopian world of 2400 AD. These factions play significant roles in the global landscape and have their own unique characteristics and territories. Some of these influential factions include:

1.      Neo Mandate: Led by Emperor Lee Sun-Huyuka, a former Korean general, the Neo Mandate is a powerful faction that holds advanced exo-suit technology, which is forbidden to make. They are in constant war with the Blood Khaganate.

2.      Red Dragons: This faction consists of cybernetically-enhanced soldiers who have rebelled against the Chinese government. They are led by Lieutenant Zhou and are based in southern China.

3.      The Black Lotus: A group of hackers fighting against the Chinese government, led by a young woman named Fenghuang, based in various black markets across the world.

4.      The Patriots: This faction believes that Africa is better off divided into smaller countries. They are led by Amani and are based in North Africa.

5.      The Scitar Republic: This faction is a secretive and democratic society with the goal of conquering the remnants of other nations and making Earth a better place. They are supported by Martian colonists and have a leader named Callisto.

6.      The Wanderers: A nomadic faction in Central Asia, remnants of the destroyed Grey Nation, led by Carmelita. They are a Red Nation vassal and often act as mercenaries.

7.      The Blood Khaganate: A vassal nomad of the Red Nation, their army consists of tanks, attack helicopters, jeeps, and horsemen armed with rocket-guided missiles. They are based in Manchuria and are trying to expand into China and Korea.

8.      The True Horde: Another vassal nomad of the Red Nation, their army consists of horsemen armed with bows and spears. They claim to be noble and lawful but are rumored to engage in cannibalistic acts.



In the post-dystopian world of 2400 AD, the political landscape is characterized by a complex web of factions and nations, each with its own unique ideologies, territories, and conflicts. The world is divided into 28 factions, including the 9 major nations and various influential factions such as the Neo Mandate, Red Dragons, Black Lotus, Patriots, and others. These factions have emerged following the destruction of the United States and Russia in a civil war, with India and China becoming the dominant superpowers.

The 9 major nations, including the Free World/Red Nation, Nation of Sea/Blue Nation, Nusantara Union/Orange Nation, Shangri-La Confederacy/Purple Nation, Emerald League/Green Nation, Great Caravan/Yellow Nation, Hejaz Caliphate/Black Nation, Holy People Council/White Nation, and The Sisterhood of the South/Pink Nation, have agreed to stop direct fighting and rebuild after the Great War and Great Flood in 2330. However, proxy wars and tensions persist among these nations.

The political landscape is further complicated by the presence of influential factions such as the Neo Mandate, Red Dragons, Black Lotus, and Patriots, each with its own agendas and conflicts. Additionally, the emergence of the Crescent Alliance, a defensive pact and trade union, has raised suspicions and tensions among the major nations.

The use of advanced technology, cybernetic enhancements, and the presence of artificial intelligence further shape the political landscape, with factions such as the White Nation/Holy People's Council being AI-driven and technologically advanced.

Overall, the political landscape in 2400 is marked by a delicate balance of power, ongoing conflicts, and a struggle for dominance among the various factions and nations.


several significant developments have occurred in the post-dystopian world of 2400 AD. These include the rise of various factions and influential figures, the use of advanced technology, and the presence of forbidden tools and technologies. Some of the notable occurrences are:

1.      Forbidden Technologies: In the 24th century, certain technologies are forbidden to make, including artificial intelligence for decision-making, human implants, weaponry, human cloning, teleportation, and genetic engineering in most cases. The use of these technologies is restricted due to their potential risks and ethical concerns.

2.      Technological Advancements: The world still has remnants of the 23rd century, with only a few people able to replicate ancient technology. Humanity now uses a mix of medieval and modern tools, such as iron swords and laser guns. Additionally, cybernetic upgrades have been applied to horses, making them faster, stronger, and bigger, which are used by nomads for hunting, battle, and travel.

3.      Diplomatic Tensions: The political landscape is marked by a complex web of factions and nations, each with its own unique ideologies, territories, and conflicts. Diplomatic tensions and suspicions exist among the major nations, with proxy wars and struggles for power being prevalent.

These developments, along with the emergence of new nations, contribute to the complex and volatile nature of the post-dystopian world, shaping its political, technological, and social landscape.


The most interesting mercenary faction in 2400 AD is the Hornet Spec Ops. This faction is particularly intriguing due to its unique composition and capabilities. Comprised of 82 elite warriors, the Hornet Spec Ops is a counter-insurgency and special forces group that specializes in preemptive strikes for the Black Nation. What sets them apart is their extensive use of implants and body modifications, making them highly skilled in both medieval and modern weaponry, with superior tactics and equipment. The current leader, Layla Amara, is known for her extreme mood swings and piercing red eyes, and she possesses a third eye located on her forehead for infrared imaging. This combination of advanced technology, elite combat skills, and enigmatic leadership makes the Hornet Spec Ops a compelling and formidable mercenary faction in the post-dystopian world of 2400 AD.

The 6th Reich was a nation formed after a series of transitions and conflicts following the collapse of the 4th and 5th Reichs. It was characterized by its capital in Berlin and its unique military, which included officers dressed in legionnaire uniforms and a belief that those outside their walls were barbarians. However, the 6th Reich eventually faced a significant attack by the Great Caravan, led by Bayarl Khan, resulting in the fall of Berlin and the dissolution of the 6th Reich. The remnants of the 6th Reich still held power in regions of Africa and Central Asia, but the news of the fall of their capital led to the faction splitting into two separate entities. 4th – 6th reich as a known as grey nation

The remnants of the 6th Reich, following the fall of Berlin, still hold power in regions of Africa and Central Asia. However, after the news of the fall of their capital, the 6th Reich disbanded and split into two separate entities. One remnant is led by Valeria, a stoic and ruthless tactician who clings to the rigid order and perceived superiority of the 6th Reich. She aims to rebuild a Reich stronghold in Africa, even if it means forging alliances with unsavory factions. Valeria is a master of desert warfare, utilizing scorched earth tactics and guerilla ambushes to decimate her enemies. Her mercenary band, the Sons of Berlin, is feared across the sands for their ruthlessness and precision.

The other remnant is led by General Tamerlane, known as "The Iron Wolf." Tamerlane is a grizzled veteran and a master tactician who leads his mercenary company, the Sons of Berlin, with an iron fist. He harbors a deep bitterness towards Bayarl Khan for destroying the 6th Reich and uses his mercenary work to gather resources and bide his time for revenge. His company relies on formidable discipline and advanced weaponry to dominate the battlefield.

These remnants of the 6th Reich are characterized by their resilience and determination to maintain the legacy of the Reich, despite the faction's dissolution. They continue to exert influence in Africa and Central Asia, driven by their unwavering commitment to their cause.

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